Our Services

Tax Planning

CFO Agent Services provide comprehensive and strategic tax planning services. We’ll advise you on the best strategies for achieving your financial dreams.

As your business evolves, your opportunities grow, but so do your responsibilities. To ensure that you’re managing both your personal and business taxes to provide you the edge to succeed, you need someone to keep an eye on your taxes all year, not just during tax-filing season.


CFO Agent Services offers a strategic, competitive advantage by bringing together a team of highly experienced resources to provide the very best in reputation, innovative strategies and services. We feel that our resources are one of our best competitive advantages.

Accounting Services

When you hire CFO Agent Services, you receive a full array of accounting services that will ensure your books are balanced and your stress level is low. We offer bookkeeping services that will organize and record all the daily income and expenses of your business in a way that is clear, understandable and easy to access.

Our experienced accountants know how to efficiently and productively use the latest accounting software and techniques to keep your books up to date and ready for review. 

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